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Create a LongTable object from a list containing file paths, data.frames and data.tables.


# S4 method for list
buildLongTable(from, rowDataCols, colDataCols, assayCols)



list A list containing any combination of character file paths, data.tables and data.frames which will be used to construct the LongTable.


list List with two character vectors, the first specifying one or more columns to be used as cell identifiers (e.g., cell-line name columns) and the second containing any additional metadata columns related to the cell identifiers.


list List with two character vectors, the first specifying one or more columns to be used as column identifiers (e.g., drug name columns) and the second containing any additional metadata columns related to the column identifiers.


list A named list of character vectors specifying how to parse assay columns into a list of data.tables. Each list data.table will be named for the name of corresponding list item and contain the columns specified in the character vector of column names in each list item.


A LongTable object constructed with the data in from.


if (FALSE) {
assayList <- assays(merckLongTable, withDimnames=TRUE)
rowDataCols <- list(rowIDs(merckLongTable), rowMeta(merckLongTable))
colDataCols <- list(colIDs(merckLongTable), colMeta(merckLongTable))
assayCols <- assayCols(merckLongTable)
longTable <- buildLongTable(from=assayList, rowDataCols, colDataCols, assayCols)