Interactive Jobs and Debugging🔗
While batch jobs are the preferred way to interact with the cluster, they are not conducive to development/experimentation/debugging.
- For these cases, an interactive job allows for much more flexibility when writing, testing or debugging code.
- These jobs provide you with command line access to a virtual machine running on theselected cluster node.
When writing scripts for long runnings jobs the best practice is to first run the entire job with a small subset of the data you need to process.
- This allows you to catch errors that may arise without exhausting your resource allocations for the queue.
- This data can then also be used for debugging when a problem arises and thus support quickly iterating your job script to get your analysis running as fast as possible.
Try it yourself:
Print a summary of the
command options and note options to specify the length of a running job, the number of CPUs to use, the amount of memory and the partition to run the job on -
Allocate an interative job for 5 minutes with 2 CPU cores, 1G of memory on any available parition (HINT: the
partition uses smallest node matching your requested resources) -
Once your job gets allocated, navigate to your group directory and list the files there (solution assumes you have setup environment variables as in Environment Setup Tutorial)