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Pipeline Storage

This document outlines how a pipeline will store its outputs and how the API will reference those outputs.



In Snakemake, the outputs of a rule are stored in the output directive.

  • This directive is a list of files that Snakemake expects the rule will produce.

  • If any of the files in the output directive do not exist, the rule will be run.

Basic example

In the following example, running snakemake --cores 1 will result in looking for where output.txt is produced. If output.txt does not exist, the rule my_rule will be run.

rule all: input: "results/output.txt" rule my_rule: input: "rawdata/input.txt" output: "results/output.txt" shell: "cat {input} > {output}"

Snakemake Storage Plugins

Snakemake has a plugin system that allows for the storage of outputs in different locations.

  • This is useful for storing outputs in a cloud storage system like AWS S3 or Google Cloud Storage.

  • i.e The HTTP plugin will likely be used in the pipelines to retrieve rawdata from publicly available sources.

The idea for the API is to take any pipeline and run it so that all the outputs are stored in a cloud storage system; Google Cloud Storage in this case.

This can be achieved by appending --default-storage-prodivder gcs to the snakemake command.

This requires a dedicated bucket for all the pipelines. For the sake of this example, the bucket will be called orcestra-data-public.

We would then append --default-storage-provider gcs --default-storage-prefix gs://orcestra-data-public to the snakemake command.

In the above example, this would then upload the output.txt to gs://orcestra-data-public/results/output.txt (assuming no errors occur).

API Reference to Outputs

The requirements for the API would be:

  1. Establish a Name of each pipeline

    • This would be used in the API to reference the pipeline itself for the front-end (pipeline selection) and used to generate the GCS prefix for the pipeline outputs.

  2. Upon submission of a pipeline, the user needs to specify outputs by their relative paths to the root directory.

    • This will then be used by the API after the pipeline is run, to retrieve the outputs from the GCS

    • The API can then expose the outputs to the user/front-end client

Like the previous orcestra implementation, except instead of just file name it should the relative path (s) to the root directory.

old orcestra submission

So if this is the given info (random example and not a real pipeline):

{ "_id": { "$oid": "6616c22cc823c5691e050680" }, "name": "test_pipeline", "git_url": "", "output_files": [ "results/pset.rds", "results/dnl.json" ], "snakefile_path": "./Snakefile", "config_file_path": "./config/config.yaml", "conda_env_file_path": "./pipeline.yaml" }

After the pipeline runs, the API will then retrieve the following files:

  1. gs://orcestra-data-public/test_pipeline/results/pset.rds

  2. gs://orcestra-data-public/test_pipeline/results/dnl.json

because the name of the pipeline is test_pipeline and the outputs are results/pset.rds and results/dnl.json.

Last modified: 28 May 2024