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Presentation Standards#

Talk Standards#

Key Slides#

  • Title slide: Include your name, date, affiliation, event/conference, and contact information (e.g. email). Optional: include the BHK Lab logo and others (e.g. UHN, University of Toronto, etc)
  • Acknowledgements slide: Include names of lab members (or can reference 'BHK Lab') and other collaborators along with your institutional affilications/funding sources (e.g. UHN, CIHR, NSERC)

Other slides#

  • All slides should include slide numbers
  • Slide headings should be short (1-2 lines max) and descriptive
  • Use visuals whenever possible (feel free to take from existing presentations in the database)

Poster Standards#


  • Heading: Include title, author(s) name, supervisor name (if student poster) across the top border
  • Abstract (optional): Brief paragraph (~250 words) outlining purpose, methods, results, and conclusions
  • Introduction: Background information pertinent to your project to help audience understand motivation. Outline the goal, objective(s), and hypothesis(es) of your research.
  • Materials and Methods: Brief outline of materials and methods used in your work, listed clearly and logically.
  • Results: Present data in photographic, graphical, or tabular form. Include descriptive figure titles and avoid lengthy captions. Be sure to not include abbreviations not explained in the text.
  • Discussion: Address results and describe relevance to objective(s) and hypothesis(es).
  • Conclusions: Stated clearly and concisely, addressing project objectives and stating overall significance.
  • References: All references (publications)
  • Acknowledgements: Any key lab members, collaborators, and funding sources.

Text Sizing#

Size of lettering must be large enough to be legible from approximately 2m. Use a clear and simple font between 18 point and 30 point in size. We recommend the following for Arial:

  • 18 point: best viewed at 1m (for figure titles, legends, acknowledgements, etc)
  • 24 point: best viewed at 2m (for main text)
  • 30 point: best viewed at 3m (for section headings)


  • Avoid overloading with text, use bullet points where possible
  • Whenever appropriate, use clear diagrams, figures, and tables (e.g. materials and methods)