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Summary of Work Tutorial#

Every week, you are required to fill out a Summary of Work (SOW) document that will be reviewed by Ben. This is especially important when Ben is away from the lab, so he can stay up to date on your project progress.

This tutorial will walk you through how to set up a Google Drive SOW directory and yearly document, and how to write your weekly SOW.


Visit the Google Drive website and ensure you are logged into the correct account.

Use the Correct Google Account

This tutorial will utilize the Google Drive associated with the BHKLab Gmail account that you would have set up during the BHKLab Onboarding process. Ensure you are logged into the correct account before continuing.

If you are a short-term employee (less than one month), you may complete the instructions below with a personal Gmail account.

Setting Up Your SOW Space#


This section will need to be repeated in January of each year.

Directory Creation#

In your BHKLab Google Drive, create a folder called SOW. In the sharing menu (1), add as an Editor.

  1. right-click on the folder and select Share.

Within this folder, create another folder and name it the current year (e.g. 2025).

Document Creation#

Next, open the SOW template document. In the File menu, select Make a copy.

  • Name the copy as <Your Name>-SOW-<Year>. (e.g. John-SOW-2025).
  • Select the year folder you just created as the destination.
  • Check the box for Share it with the same people
  • Click Make a copy

Once created, make sure the sharing permissions include

Add Your Page to the Main SOW Tracker#

In the SOW for BHK document, find your job title. Under this heading, insert a File smart chip (1). To find your SOW file, start typing your name and it should appear as one of the options.

  1. type @ and start typing the name of the file you created (i.e. John-SOW-2025). Click on the file when it appears in the dropdown.

This is where Ben will access your SOW from weekly.

Creating Your SOW Page#

Set up this week's tab#

Open your SOW document you copied in the Document Creation section.

  1. In the document tab menu on the left hand side, duplicate an existing SOW page.
  2. Drag the duplicated tab to the top of the list.
  3. Rename the tab to be the current week's dates.

Writing Your SOW#

Date: Set the dates at the top of the page to the first and last day of the current week (usually Monday and Friday).

Win: Detail work done on projects during the week.

Needs Input: Any questions or concerns for BHK. BHK will respond to these on Slack.

Focus: What you plan to work on next week.

Important links: Links to anything you mentioned in the above sections.

BHK Read Marker: For BHK use only.


If you copied the previous week’s SOW, make that this is set to unchecked.
Unchecked:         Checked: