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Release and Deployment#


The handbook website is hosted on GitHub Pages. This document provides a detailed overview of how the deployment and release processes work, ensuring a smooth and automated workflow.

GitHub Pages#

GitHub Pages is a service that allows you to host static websites directly from your GitHub repository.

How It Works#

Whenever changes are pushed to the main branch, a GitHub Action is triggered to automatically build and deploy the website.

You can view the build and deployment action at this link.

The automated workflow includes the following steps:

  1. Check Out the Repository: The GitHub Action checks out the latest code from the main branch.
  2. Install Dependencies: Dependencies specified in the pixi.toml file are installed.
  3. Build the Documentation: The action builds the site using MkDocs and the configurations defined in your project.
  4. Deploy to GitHub Pages: The compiled site is deployed to the gh-pages branch.

Once the gh-pages branch is updated, GitHub Pages will automatically publish the latest version of the website.

Releases and Versioned Documentation#

We leverage both release-please and mike to automate the release process and manage versioned documentation, making it easier to maintain version control, changelogs, and multiple documentation versions.

How Releases Work#

When a pull request is merged into the main branch, a GitHub Action triggers the release process.

You can view the release automation action at this link.

Key aspects of this combined approach include:

  • Automated Release Creation with release-please: The tool automatically generates a release with changelogs and updates the version number based on the changes merged into main.
  • Dynamic Pull Request Updates: If additional changes are pushed to the main branch after a pull request is created, the release PR will update to include those changes, ensuring that the release captures all intended updates.
  • Controlled Release Process: Maintainers can merge changes into the release PR only when they are ready to publish a new version, giving them full control over the timing of each release.
  • Versioned Documentation with mike: Once a new release is prepared, mike is used to manage and deploy versioned documentation. This allows us to provide a separate set of documentation for each release, maintaining historical versions accessible on the website.

This automated approach ensures consistency, reduces manual effort, and allows users to access documentation relevant to any specific version of the project.

Manual Release Process#

If you need to release a new version of the documentation manually, you can follow these steps:

  1. Pull either the main branch or a specific release branch (e.g., v0.1.0) to your local machine.
$ git pull origin main
* branch            main       -> FETCH_HEAD
Already up to date.
$ VERSION=v0.1.0
$ git pull origin v$VERSION
* branch            v0.1.0     -> FETCH_HEAD
Already up to date.
  1. Use the mike command to deploy the documentation to the gh-pages branch.
$ pixi run mike deploy --push dev devel
$ pixi run mike deploy --push --update-aliases $VERSION latest