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imgtools CLI


A collection of tools for working with medical imaging data.


imgtools [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Name Type Description Default
--quiet, -q boolean Suppress all logging except errors, overrides verbosity options. False
--verbose, -v integer range (0 and above) Increase verbosity of logging, overrides environment variable. (0-3: ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG). 0
--version boolean Show the version and exit. False
-h, --help boolean Show this message and exit. False

imgtools dicomsort

Sorts DICOM files into directories based on their tags.




Name Type Description Default
--action, -a choice (move | copy | symlink | hardlink) Action to perform on the files. _required
-n, --dry-run boolean Do not move or copy files, just print what would be done. Always recommended to use this first to confirm the operation! False
-j, --num-workers integer Number of worker processes to use for sorting. 1
-h, --help boolean Show this message and exit. False

imgtools find-dicoms

A tool to find DICOM files.

PATH is the directory to search for DICOM files.

SEARCH_INPUT is an optional list of regex patterns to filter the search results.


imgtools find-dicoms [OPTIONS] PATH [SEARCH_INPUT]...


Name Type Description Default
-e, --extension text File extension to look for. dcm
-c, --count boolean Whether to just print the count of files found. This is useful for scripts. False
-l, --limit integer The limit of results to return. None
-ch, --check-header boolean Whether to check DICOM header for "DICM" signature. False
-s, --sorted boolean Sort the results alphabetically. False
-h, --help boolean Show this message and exit. False