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Get annotation headings (name only) based on type and heading criteria.


getPubchemAnnotationHeadings(type = "all", heading = NULL)



The type of annotation headings to retrieve. Options include "Compound", "Gene", "Taxonomy", "Element", "Assay", "Protein", "Cell", "Pathway", or "all" (default).


The specific heading to filter the results by. Defaults to NULL, which retrieves all headings.


A data.table containing the annotation headings and types.


#>               Heading     Type
#>                <char>   <char>
#>   1:  11B NMR Spectra Compound
#>   2:  13C NMR Spectra Compound
#>   3:  15N NMR Spectra Compound
#>   4:  17O NMR Spectra Compound
#>   5:  19F NMR Spectra Compound
#>  ---                          
#> 640: Wiley References Compound
#> 641:      WormBase ID     Gene
#> 642:      WormBase ID  Protein
#> 643:  Xenbase Gene ID     Gene
#> 644:          ZFIN ID     Gene
getPubchemAnnotationHeadings(type = "Compound")
#>                                        Heading     Type
#>                                         <char>   <char>
#>   1:                           11B NMR Spectra Compound
#>   2:                           13C NMR Spectra Compound
#>   3:                           15N NMR Spectra Compound
#>   4:                           17O NMR Spectra Compound
#>   5:                           19F NMR Spectra Compound
#>  ---                                                   
#> 478: Volatilization from Water/Soil (Complete) Compound
#> 479:                   WHO Essential Medicines Compound
#> 480:                                  Wikidata Compound
#> 481:                                 Wikipedia Compound
#> 482:                          Wiley References Compound
getPubchemAnnotationHeadings(heading = "ChEMBL*")
#>                Heading     Type
#>                 <char>   <char>
#> 1: ChEMBL Cell Line ID     Cell
#> 2:           ChEMBL ID Compound
#> 3:    ChEMBL Target ID  Protein
getPubchemAnnotationHeadings(type = "Compound", heading = "ChEMBL*")
#>      Heading     Type
#>       <char>   <char>
#> 1: ChEMBL ID Compound